Pressikutse: Balti-Põhjamaade Noortefoorum, 24. novembril Tallinnas

Eesti NATO Ühing (EATA)

Tallinn, 20. november 2023.a.



Kutsume Teid Balti-Põhjamaade Noortefoorumi konverentsile reedel, 24. novembril 2023.a. kell 09.00 Park Inn by Radisson Meriton hotelli (Toompuiestee 27/Paldiski mnt. 4, Tallinn). Eesti NATO Ühing korraldab rahvusvahelist noortefoorumit juba üheteistkümnendat korda. Tegemist on rahvusvahelise konverentsiga, mille eesmärk on tõsta noorte teadlikkust rahvusvahelise julgeolekupoliitika valdkonnas. Üritusele tulevad rääkima Euroopa Parlamendi saadik ja Eesti NATO Ühingu nõukogu esimees erukindral Riho Terras, Gruusia kunagine kaitseminister ja Civic IDEA asutaja Tinatin Khidasheli ning Dr. Balkan Devlen Kanadast, Macdonald-Laurier Instituudist. Ameerika Ühendriikidest tuleb üritusele kõnelema ja osalejaid koolitama Rachel Rizzo Atlantic Council mõttekojast. Seoses uute liikmete vastuvõtmisega NATO-sse esineb ka Soome suursaadik Eestis Vesa Vasara.


Konverentsil saavad sõna vaieldamatud eksperdid, kes kutsuvad üles NATO laienemisele, nagu Rachel Rizzo, Atlantic Council mõttekojast: “Põhja- ja Baltimaade piirkond ei ole mitte ainult Euroopa mandri julgeoleku seisukohalt võtmetähtsusega, vaid on kiiresti muutumas oluliseks geopoliitiliseks teemaks põhja, lõuna, ida ja lääne ristumiskohas. Sellised arutelud, nagu Balti-Põhjamaade Noortefoorumil toimuvad, on hädavajalikud.”


Dr. Balkan Devlen, Macdonald-Laurier Instituudist: “See, mis juhtub Arktikas, ei jää Arktikasse. Me peame järgmistel aastakümnetel pöörama suuremat tähelepanu Põhjamaade ja Arktika ning Põhja- ja Baltimaade vahelisele seosele.”


Foorum algab õpilaste ja tudengite jaoks 23. novembril kui külastatakse Riigikogu ning kaardistatakse osalejate tugevused. Sellele järgneb konverents, mis toimub 24. novembril ja jätkub osalejate jaoks 24. novembri õhtul ja 25. novembril töötubadega, kus kogutakse sisendit noortelt dokumendi jaoks nimega “Ideas from Youth to NATO”, mis edastatakse peale üritust Eesti NATO Ühingu poolt NATO-le. Noortele tutvustatakse ka NATO loomekonkursi võitjat ja aktiivõppe materjali - NATONIA mängu (vt lähemalt


Sel aastal on foorumil fookuses NATO laienemine, Arktika ja küberturvalisuse tulevik. Konverentsipärval osaleb 100 noort eksperti ja ametnikku 25 riigist. Ürituse töökeeleks on inglise keel.


Balti-Põhjamaade Noortefoorumit korraldab Eesti NATO Ühing koostöös NATO peakorteri avaliku diplomaatia osakonna, Friedrich Eberti Fondi, Balti-Ameerika Vabadusfondi, Kanada Suursaatkonna ning Eesti kaitseministeeriumi ja välisministeeriumiga.


Täpsem info ja registreerimine: 

Tel 5118080 (Krista Mulenok, Eesti NATO Ühingu juhatuse esimees)


Lisatud on ürituse ajakava ja esinejad.


November 24


The panel discussions will take place on November 24, 2023 in Tallinn. The conference's working language is English. 


Host of the day — Karl Mattias Sepp, Project Manager of the Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association


08:30-09:00 Registration and morning coffee


09:00-09:10 Opening speech by Gen (ret) Riho Terras, former Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces, Chairman of the Council of the Estonian Atlantic Treaty Association, Member of the European Parliament


09:10-09:20 Opening speech by Reinhard Krumm, Director of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Office for the Baltic States


09:20-09:30 Opening speech by Major Jean-Sebastien Cormier, Chief of Staff, enhanced Forward Presence in Estonia


Panel Discussions 


09:45-11:15 Nordics and NATO. NATO’s Borders are Expanding and Becoming More United than Ever Before.


Finland and Sweden simultaneously handed their official letters of application to join NATO over to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on 18 May 2022. NATO Heads of State and Government extended an invitation to Finland and Sweden to join the Alliance at the Madrid Summit on 29 June. Finland joined NATO on 04.04.2023. What has happened since then? What kind of an impact will Finland and Sweden joining NATO have on the organisation and the region? What will be the impact for cooperation between member states? All of these and more questions will be answered in this star-studded panel.




Vesa Vasara, Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to the Republic of Estonia


Rachel Rizzo, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council


Mike Gallagher, NATO Force Integration Unit Estonia


Tinatin Khidasheli, Chairwoman and founder of Civic IDEA, Former Minister of Defence of Georgia 


Moderator: Konstantin Eggert, DW Commentator and Host


11:15-11:30 Break


11:30-13:00 Future of the Arctic. Strategic Trade Routes, Security Outposts and Geopolitical Power Struggles.


With NATO’s borders widening and Russia’s influence in the world decreasing, is there a chance we will have a better understanding of the Arctic with it? Race for resources, claim to exclusive economic zones and a potential to create a new trading route between Asia and Europe is going to have a immense impact on NATO, EU, Russia, China et al. Russia and NATO have dramatically increased their military presence in the region in recent months and there are fears a race for resources could lead to a boil-over.The discussion is definitely going to get heated during this panel, because the competition for resources is also weighed against the environmental impact.




Kari Liuhto, Professor, Pan-European Institute Director


Dr. Balkan Devlen, Director of the Transatlantic Program and Senior Fellow, Macdonald Laurier Institute


Prof. Louis WierengaLecturer in International Relations, Department of Political and Strategic Studies, Baltic Defence College


Lisette Breyer, Vice President of a German Leo Club (Konstanz), Co-founder of a Ukraine aid program


Moderator: Dr. Paal Sigurd Hilde, Professor at the Institute for Defense Studies, Norwegian Defense University College


13:00-14:00 Lunch 


14:00-15:30 Future of Cyber Defense. Escalation in Hostile Cyber Exchanges and the Need for Adaptable Solutions.


NATO 2022 Strategic Concept has highlighted the challenges that cyber threats pose to NATO allies and how the rapidly evolving cyber-threat landscape can change the international security environment. It is important that developments are constant in cyber defense policy within NATO. This panel analyzes how NATO needs to adapt to address cyber challenges, how allies align their interests, capabilities, and cyber doctrines with NATO’s operational requirements and strategic ambitions.




Markus Holmgren, Research Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs


Bruno Lété, Senior Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States 


Tapio Pyysalo, Head of International Relations, The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats



Moderator: Ambassador Shota Gvineria, Baltic Defence College


15:30-16:00 Conclusion of the Conference for the public